Mbezi Beach, Jogoo, Dsm

+255 658 479 695



Montessori Community of Tanzania (MCT) supports the natural development of children from birth to adulthood and beyond, enabling individuals to achieve their unique potential. In collaboration with local and International partners we mange training centres, offering courses on the authentic Montessori approach and teacher training.

1. AMI International Montessori 3-6 Diploma Course (Enrolling)

Training Center: Montessori Training Centre of Dar es Salaam, Msimbazi Mission, Kigogo Rd,
Google: https://maps.app.goo.gl/LK9aBDdnTeLYgrrX8

The AMI International Montessori Teacher Training 3-6 Diploma Course is a comprehensive study of Montessori theory and practice to prepare teachers to work with children from 3 to 6 years. The Diploma Course consists of Montessori child philosophy and development, human development, Montessori primary materials and curriculum, the role of the teacher and the preparation of the Montessori environment. Students on the Diploma Course delve into Montessori theory that is fundamental to the role of the teacher and becomes a constant guide for the student’s understanding.

Montessori Primary (3 to 6 years) is a mixed age environment specifically designed to help children develop at their own pace, choosing their own activities from the Montessori materials which are displayed in an ordered and accessible way. Children work individually, or in groups, with hands-on activities which are designed to help them develop physically, socially and intellectually. Students on the Diploma Course will learn how to present the material and activities to the children as well as how to nurture a love of learning in the children, foster confidence in their own abilities and create a sense of social responsibility towards others and the environment in which they live.

The Course also includes Observation and Teaching Practice in approved Montessori environments. For the observation component, students spend time observing how the children interact with the teacher, one and another and as well as their environment. During teaching practice, students present materials and lessons to children under the supervision of a trained and experienced teacher.


Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis, with 1st of March 2025 as final deadline. All manually downloaded and filled applications to be sent to Emailami-course@montessori.or.tz

Course Applications: OPEN 

For more information

Head of Training | Montessori Community of Tanzania
Mbezi Beach, Jogoo, Dar es Salaam, TZ
P.O. Box 72475 | +255 658 479 695
Email: ami-course@montessori.or.tz

The purpose of the AMI International Montessori Teacher Training 3-6 Diploma Course is to study the Montessori pedagogy and practices for the child between the ages of 3 and 6 year

  • Minimum A-level or O-level Certificate
  • Teaching Training Certificate or equivalent
  • A good knowledge of English
  • Successful application interview

Monday to Friday: 08.30 – 16.00
Saturday (fortnightly): 08.30 – 16.00

At least 400 hours of classroom-based training including lectures, a minimum of 140 hours of supervised practice with Montessori materials and 170 hours of observation and teaching practicum in Montessori settings.

The 170 hours of observation and teaching practice in recognised Montessori environments has to be completed in between the Course Modules. Students living in Tanzania will be assisted by the Montessori Training Centre Msimbazi to organise their observation and teaching practice in pre-approved Montessori schools within the country. International students are required to organise observation and teaching practice for themselves in their home/residence countries. Students have to find a convenient Montessori school where there is an AMI trained teacher who can supervise/guide them and contact the school to check if they can be

The school’s details need to be sent to the Centre for review and approval. Full information on this process will be shared with the students after they have been accepted on the Course. Please note that the AMI training faculty will be the deciding body if a Montessori environment fulfils the necessary quality standards to be eligible for an observation or teaching practice setting.

Tanzanian Nationals (TZS) | International Students (USD);

  • Application Fee TZS 50’000 | USD 50
  • Course Fee TZS 10’000’000 | USD 5’000

The Application Fee is due at the time of submitting the application, which will only be processed if this fee is paid and a copy of the transfer/deposit receipt is attached.

The Course Fee is inclusive of course tuition, exam fees, Montessori books and course handouts. No additional payments are required for teaching practice and observation sessions. However, all transportation and accommodation costs during teaching practice and observation sessions are the student’s responsibility.

Students are also responsible for the costs of their own personal use, such as accommodation, travel and transport, food, printing/photocopying and stationary for the duration of the full course.


Account Number: 9120002549970 (USD United States Dollars)
Account Number: 9120002549946 (TZS Tanzanian Shillings)
Swift Code: SBICTZTX


The applicant has to mention her/his name and the course: AMI 3-6, MTC Msimbazi,
Please note that payment in cash or by telephone/MPESA will NOT be accepted.
For more information: 
Accounts | Montessori Community of Tanzania
Mobile Number: +255 672 121 414
Email: nuruh@montessori.or.tz

Our AMI Trainers
3-6 Diploma

The Montessori Community of Tanzania is proud to uphold the high standards of the Association Montessori Internationale (AMI) through our dedicated training programs. Our mission is to cultivate a generation of educators who are equipped with the knowledge, skills, and sensitivity essential to delivering authentic Montessori education.

Vikki Taylor

Course Director

An AMI 3-6 Trainer with over 25 years’ experience in Montessori education. She is involved with work in East Africa for the last 10 years and is the Director of Training and also an AMI Examiner.

Pavithra Rajagopalan

AMI Trainer

An AMI 3-6 trainer with AMI Primary Diploma, has worked in Montessori schools in India, the US and New Zealand. She is involved in strengthening pioneering projects related to Early Childhood Education in under-served communities.

Sr. Dorosella Malingumu

Training Assistant

Magdalena Telentine

Training Assistant

Martha Dello

Training Assistant

Jovitha Lyimo

Training Assistant

Danisiana Mhenga

Training Assitant

2. AMI International Montessori 6-12 Diploma Course

Training Center: Montessori Teachers Training Centre, Kawekamo, Makongoro Rd, Mwanza
Google: https://maps.app.goo.gl/9KKsBxWRaXP2Mq5t5

The study of Montessori pedagogy and child development as well as an interdisciplinary approach to the study of human beings, their endeavours and relationship with the universe for children from six to twelve years. The AMI Diploma is awarded upon satisfactory completion of the AMI Requirements for Certification, a document that is signed by the Director of Training and the student upon acceptance into the course. In order to be eligible to sit for the written and oral examinations a minimum attendance of 90% is required in the following: theory lectures, demonstrations of materials in each area, a minimum of 140 hours of supervised practice, discussions/reviews, and required reading seminars. In order to receive the diploma the following requirements must be met: successful written and oral examinations, submission of acceptable albums in all areas, materials as required, observation and observation reports, practice teaching as scheduled and practice teaching reports.

Course Applications: CLOSED (TBA)

Degree (other qualifications and experience considered on a case by case basis) • Admission interview • AMI 3-6 Diploma OR attendance on the AMI Foundation Course, which is a 5-week full-time preparatory course run prior to the start of the 6-12 course.

The following items and documents must be attached to the application form. All documents must be in English.

  1. A recent passport size photograph (headshot)
  2. Copy of valid Passport or ID (all personal details, including the photo, must be clearly visible on the document copy)
  3. An essay of approximately 750 words, in your own writing, on the following topic: Why I wish to undertake this course.
  4. Health Form signed by your doctor. The form is joined to this form.

Monday to Friday: 08.30 – 16.00
Saturday (fortnightly): 08.30 – 16.00

A minimum of 440 hours of classroom based training including lectures and a minimum of 140 hours of practice with Montessori materials under supervision. A minimum of 210 hours of observation and vocational placement in Montessori settings.

The 170 hours of observation and teaching practice in recognised Montessori environments has to be completed in between the Course Modules. Students living in Tanzania will be assisted by the Montessori Training Centre Mwanza to organise their observation and teaching practice in pre-approved Montessori schools within the country. International students are required to organise observation and teaching practice for themselves in their home/residence countries. Students have to find a convenient Montessori school where there is an AMI trained teacher who can supervise/guide them and contact the school to check if they can be accommodated. The school’s details need to be sent to the Centre for review and approval. Full information on this process will be shared with the students after they have been accepted on the Course. Please note that the AMI training faculty will be the deciding body if a Montessori environment fulfils the necessary quality standards to be eligible for an observation or teaching practice setting. Online applications [Click here]

Tanzanian Nationals (TZS) | International Students (USD)

  • Application Fee TZS 50’000 | USD 50
  • Course Fee TZS 10’000’000 | USD 5’000

The Application Fee is due at the time of submitting the application, which will only be processed if this fee is paid and a copy of the transfer/deposit receipt is attached.

The Course Fee is inclusive of course tuition, exam fees, Montessori books and course handouts. No additional payments are required for teaching practice and observation sessions. However, all transportation and accommodation costs during teaching practice and observation sessions are the student’s responsibility.

Students are also responsible for the costs of their own personal use, such as accommodation, travel and transport, food, printing/photocopying and stationary for the duration of the full course.

Account Number: 9120002549970 (USD United States Dollars)
Account Number: 9120002549946 (TZS Tanzanian Shillings)
Swift Code: SBICTZTX
The applicant has to mention her/his name and the course: AMI 6-12, MTC Mwanza,
Please note that payment in cash or by telephone/MPESA will NOT be accepted.
For more information: 

Accounts | Montessori Community of Tanzania
Mobile Number: +255 672 121 414
Email: nuruh@montessori.or.tz

3. Community Rooted Educators (CoRE)

A training programme for the Facilitators in Training (FiT) of CoRE, who will then work with the practitioners in the communities. This training course for potential FiTs is offered in a modular format and consists of classroom-based training composed of knowledge and practical skills. The course is presented in ten modules (2-3 weeks per month) over 12 months

CoRE considers that a community thrives when children are supported to reach their full potential. CoRE is designed to help ECD practitioners working with children aged 0-6 enhance the quality of education and care during these critical early years of development. The programme makes high-quality training accessible to underserved communities. CoRE focuses on empowering ECD practitioners to make the most of community resources, talents, and capabilities, fostering nurturing environments where children can flourish.

It builds upon culturally-based knowledge and community engagement, promoting dynamic discussions about child development supported by observations of children and strategies to best support them in their specific contexts. CoRE takes a holistic approach to early childhood development within the existing ECD Context. The programme is run in partnership with local governments, prominent educational investors, and key NGO partners from both the local and international communities.

Programme Applications: CLOSED (TBA)

The Facilitator-in-Training (FiT) programme is a part-time commitment of one year that includes the:

  • Assisting facilitators for 10 months during the CoRE programme, with facilitation occurring two weeks per month.
  • Creating a personal set of materials during the programme to use in their own practitioner training.
  • Conducting follow-up work off-site, including support visits to assist practitioners assigned to the FiT in implementing the programme at their centers, along with ongoing communication. This off-site support happens between modules and continues for at least 3 months after the modules are completed.

During each module, the FiT will:

  • Assist the lead facilitators
  • Assist with setting up the mini Prepared Environment
  • Give presentations • Guide small discussion groups
  • Prepare what is needed to make materials
  • Assist the practitioners in making their materials to ensure accuracy and perfection
  • Oversee/assist practitioners write up presentations and notes for their future reference
  • Attend a 30-minute debrief session with the other FiTs and the facilitator/s at the end of each day
  • Keep a daily gratitude journal

Between modules, the FiT will:

  • Visit and observe in their assigned ECD centers
  • Assist practitioners in making changes in the preparation of their environment including repurposing their existing learning materials
  • Assist practitioners in practically implementing new theoretical knowledge in their center to support the children’s development
  • Assist practitioners in reflecting on their classroom practice with children.
  • Assist practitioners in observing and plan

In addition, follow-up fieldwork is specifically to:

  • Observe and understand the lives of the people in the community
  • To observe and understand the context for early childhood care and education
  • To craft and implement field support for early childhood care and education workers

Further details

  • Upon successful completion of the FiT course, you will receive a certificate from the Association Montessori Internationale (AMI) Education Sans Frontières (ESF) and commit to delivering the CoRE programme in partnership with MCT.
  • As a certified facilitator, you will be mentored by experienced CoRE facilitators to support your development.
  • Full participation is mandatory; non-compliance will require you to reimburse the MCT costs incurred.

Activity Design – Preliminary Organization 

Phase 1

  • Module 1 – 48hrs per week
  • Module 2 – 48hrs per week
  • Module 3 – 48hrs per week

Phase 2

  • Module 4 – 48hrs per week
  • Module 5 – 48hrs per week
  • Module 6 – 48hrs per week

Phase 3

  • Module 7 – 48hrs per week
  • Module 8 – 48hrs per week
  • Module 9 – 48hrs per week
  • Module 10 – 48hrs per week

Running Sessions with Practitioners and School visits

  • Module 1  – 30hrs per month
  • Module 2  – 30hrs per month
  • Module 3  – 30hrs per month
  • Module 4  – 30hrs per month
  • Module 5  – 30hrs per month
  • Module 6  – 30hrs per month
  • Module 7  – 30hrs per month
  • Module 8  – 30hrs per month
  • Module 9  – 30hrs per month
  • Has a Minimum of 5 years’ experience working with children
  • Possess either a Montessori International Diploma or a Montessori National Certificate or both
  • Has Knowledge of the National Curriculum
  • Is Under 50 years of age
  • Fluent in both Swahili and English
  • Computer literate
  • Strong connections to the community

100% Fully Sponsored